A Quick Look at my Process

My Grandfather recently emailed me asking about how to use Procreate, which led me to creating this short and sweet explanation of my process of creating my illustrations. I hope you find this somewhat informative:

I created a PDF of this in case anyone would like to download it as well. It may be easier to see:


A. Import a photograph of the thumbnail into Procreate.
B. Pick colors I want to use. I personally am not good at picking out colors, so I use this website: https://coolors.co/ , which is a color palette-generating site.
C. Roughly sketch in Procreate the layout of the colors.


D. Sketch a draft of the piece.
E. Trace the draft onto watercolor paper with colored pencils that match the palette.
F. Watercolor the piece referencing the Procreate rough draft.
G. Outline areas that need it here and there.
H. Sign and finish!


  • Spend time creating the layout.
  • Paint the colors before drawing in the bold outlines. Too much lines will make it too busy.
  • Don’t work on it forever, especially if it has a deadline. I am never satisfied with my piece but I need to move on…
  • Wet on wet is the way to go when filling in large areas.

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